Frantiskovy Lazne Hotels

Spa Hotel Francis (Frantiskovy lazne)

SPA-Hotel-Francis-Frantiskovy-LazneHotel Francis enjoys a privileged location in the centre of Františkovy Lázně, about a minute walk from the modern water world of Aquaforum, 2 minutes from the local theatre and 5 minutes from the main spa colonnade.

  • Grill
  • Outdoor Pool
  • Terrace
  • Custom Balneology Services
  • Nadstandar Tnístylová Kitchen
  • Helpful Perosnál
  • Quiet clean environment at the same time in the center

The hotel's own Balneocentre centre is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for wellness and curative treatments. Treatment procedures are based on the drinking of mineral water from the springs in Frantiskovy Lazne. The treatments are individual, but mainly specialize in the treatment of musculoskeletal system, kidney and urinary tract diseases, respiratory tract and digestive tract.

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