Lipová Spa Hotels, Wellness hotels in Czech

Wellness Hotel Helios (Lipová lázně)

Lazne Lipova Jeseniky Hotel Helios

  • Helpful and friendly staff
  • Spa Treatments
  • Wellness Centre
  • Children's Corner and playground
  • Vniřní Pool
  • 400 m from ski lift
  • Free Wi-fi access



Family accommodation in the recreation area Lipová-Lázně, several kilometres from the spa town Jeseník and the ski centers Ramzová and Červenohorské saddle. The Jeseník Spa provides treatment for adults and children and specializes in diseases from metabolism disorders of endocrine, respiratory diseases, mental disorders, diseases of the skin, oncological diseases. The most famous are the Priessnitzovy spa, which makes Jeseník famous as the "cradle of the present balneology".

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